Windy Assistance Fund Application & Criteria

Please carefully read our instructions and criteria below. The Assistance Fund application can be filled out via the form below OR downloaded.


Windy Willow Foundation Mission 

“Windy Willow Foundation is an organization working to provide access, advocacy, and action for mental health initiatives. The foundation is dedicated to destigmatizing the root challenges involved in mental health and wellness. Through intentional support, a community-oriented focus, and common cause, we push forward One Day at a Time.” 

Assistance Fund Application 

 Windy Willow Foundation was founded in early 2021 as an affiliate nonprofit of Windy Willow Co., a brand supporting mental health awareness initiatives. The foundation supports adolescents & younger adults through various means- one of which being our assistance fund. We understand there are gaps between mental health services and coverage, therefore, we work to support those seeking help. Our foundation is accepting applicants through our website to help cover specified situations and individuals with financial aid. Please see below criteria and instruction to apply to our program. 

Criteria for Eligibility 

  1. Our age limitation is geared towards children, younger adults, and post graduate/later twenties; but not limited to- case by case evaluation will be conducted by the review team. 

  2. Need immediate assistance with financial aid not covered by insurance or unable to pay out of pocket 

  3. Specifically for a mental health service including therapy, consulting, clinic or other health actions related services to: 

    • mental health crisis  

    • depression or anxiety 

    • suicide prevention guidance/therapy

    • trauma therapy  

    • and/or any other behavioral service (please detail in application) 

  4. Applicant should not be receiving other forms of financial aid OR detail why additional aid is requested 


  1. Complete the following application and please be detailed in the following categories:  

  2. Applicant should detail why financial aid funding is requested as well as the dollar amount they are seeking and other supporting facts for the committee to review 

  3. Applicant should explain (to the extent they are allowed/willing) their situation 

  4. Applicant will provide the insurer or business that is requesting payment, where payment from the foundation will be direct to processor with prior verification and communication by the requester of payment 

  5. Attach supporting documents to application 

  6. Application submission may either be processed through the website form or the downloadable application sent to .

  7. Any additional questions or comments can be sent to .


*Supporting documentation should be uploaded/attached and sent with application either via online submission or email to